Implant Supported Dentures

Implant supported dentures are an innovative method of tooth replacement that can offer a number of advantages over traditional removable dentures. Traditional dentures are held in place by suction or adhesive, they have the ability to move around. Implant supported dentures are designed to stay in place securely.

A removable denture that is supported by 2-4 posts that are surgically inserted into the bone on either the upper or lower arch. This denture snaps into place.

An implant retained fixed prosthesis involves a permanent denture that is supported by four or more dental implants. The dental implant functions like the natural roots. Permanent dentures will look and feel very much like your natural teeth did.

It is important to have sharp teeth so chewing can be done with ease. Dentures are needed for proper chewing and more importantly digestion. It is recommended that new dentures be made approximately every five years to maintain the physical changes of your body and oral cavity as well as wear on acrylic teeth causing dullness.

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